Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Humpday Haiku - Back Pain

Waking up in pain

not so good for my morale
need to find answer.

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Friday, May 23, 2008

Photo Hunt: Shoes

Shoe's, eh? I have two that I wish to inflic...I mean, share with you all.

A macro of my coworker's shoe, as he sat at his desk...


Another coworker's shoe, as he paced outside while talking on the phone.

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Thursday, May 22, 2008

Not Bad Prognasticating! (part 2)

I wish to revisit this post for a moment.

I have heard from people who have seen this already that Indiana is a mix between the Indy we remember, and his father played by Sean Connery. He even says at one point, as his father did in "Last Crusade," "This is intolerable!" But that's not what I'm going after here. Apparenately, he's referred to more as Henry in this movie than Indiana. So, I'm gonna go right ahead and say I called it again.

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Humpday Haiku - Sue me, I'm late

Not always on time

Infrequent updates do suck
But I am trying.

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Monday, May 19, 2008

Odd Shots - Lonely Bread

Stale bread on a rubber gym floor. Doesn't get much more odd than that...

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Monday: O's Weekly Wrap Up.

Yup, gonna do it on Mondays, or at least try. I need a better name, though, than O's Weekly Wrap Up. Any suggestions?

This week they went 4-1, taking 2 of 2 from the BoSox, and 2 of 3 from the (g)Nats. I was at the second game of the (g)Nat's series, and it was a blast. Orioles Hangout night is always a blast, though.

But to start off this thing of mine, here's a couple of thoughts I've had this season:
-One of Jay Gibbons many walk up music choices was Dire Straits' Money for Nothing. Seems appropriate now, don't it?
-Guillermo Quiroz seems like a nice guy, but when you say his name fast enough, it sounds like a bad disease. "Sit down...I'm sorry, but you have Guillermoquiroz."
-One of the greatest things I ever heard was that random trumpet player fan down in Tampa's Tropicana Field play the Star Wars main theme when Luke Scott came to the plate.
-The second greatest thing was the Oakland fans chanting "Run Home Jack!" to Jack Cust. Which, is not only a great reference to Hook, but can also be a jab at his infamous moment falling down while trying to run home when he was an Oriole.

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Saturday, May 17, 2008

Photo Hunt: Candy

I'm definitely stretching the limits of this one, but this was too good too pass up. This photo to me, represents...eye candy. I laughed SO hard when seeing this on the road, and a good personalized license plate is eye candy to me. So here you go...this weeks Photo Hunt photo...a person with a 21st Century sense of humor, taken with a camera phone two days ago:

Also, for my regular readers...I'm thinking about doing a weekly Orioles/general MLB post, with my own brand of humor. A regular feature. Whatcha think? Do I even have regular readers anymore?

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Thursday, May 15, 2008

Orioles Magic

I love Kevin Millar. I don't care what anybody says.

Bit of history for you folks that aren't baseball inclined: Back in the late 70s early 80s there was a song released called Orioles Magic. Basically talking about how back then, it always seemed like "magic" would happen and the O's would win (like the infamous three pick offs in one inning thing). Well, the Os, traditionally for years, would enter the field to the "O-R-I-O-L-E-S...magic! magic! magic!" part. Well, for some reason this year, maybe because they were getting superstitious...they stopped. However, after a couple of wins, it was reported that Kevin Millar was playing the song on a boombox in the clubhouse after the games.

And now...he's spearheaded this video which they show at Camden Yards. Using the original song, it partially parallels the infamous "Old Time Rock and Roll" video Rick Dempsey made back in the 80s, which actually has a brief cameo when you see Eddie Murray on a drumset (and the Chicago Bears Super Bowl Shuffle, at that). It has current players hamming it up with new and classic footage...and quite simply, it's awesome. Cheesy, but awesome.


By the way...I think it's hilarious that it starts with Jeremy Guthrie in the upper decks playing a clarinet when it's clearly a low brass instrument (I'm guessing french horn or trombone, or a synthed version of one) playing the line.

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Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Humpday Haiku - Traffic Reports

So called Traffic News
Often behind or plain wrong
Very annoying

Seriously, how many times do I have to be sitting in traffic, hear a traffic report on the radio and it says "all clear out here, Bob!" Or this morning when they said an overturned tractor trailer was holding things up on the Inner Loop of the Baltimore beltway at 97 I was driving on to the Inner Loop from 97 north, and could plainly see the overturned tractor trailer holding things up for the drivers on the OUTER LOOP trying to get on 97 south?

I'd really like it if you simply didn't do them at all if that's the way it's gonna be.

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Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Odd Shots: Kinda Self Explanatory

So, saw this the other day, and well, I love it when people screw up such simple signage so bad. Reminds me of that commercial with the guy who mispells "Chiefs" in the endzone paint as "Chefs." Good googely moogely indeed.

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Sunday, May 11, 2008

Dan Erlewine is the Freakin MAN!

Dan Erlewine is a luthier. He built "Lucy" for Albert King. He also wrote the book on guitar repair. That's not hyperbole, he wrote the book. The Guitar Players Repair Guide, now in its 3rd edition. So, me emailing him about a problem was almost like, in comparable terms, a starting guitar player emailing Eric Clapton about how to play guitar.

So imagine my surprise when he emailed me back. Within about 45 minutes.

Anyway, I was having problems setting the intonation on this bands guitars. They play in what's called Drop D tuning, which is where you tune the lowest string, the E, to D. I could set the intonation correctly on all the other strings, but that one. And I couldn't figure out why. And that drove me nuts. I asked on a few guitarists forums, but nobody seemed to give me a straight answer (one jackass actually responded with "set the intonation." No kidding. I wonder if he even read what I was asking). So, finding that Mr. Erlewine's email was on his site...I said "screw it" and went straight to the top, as it were. I mean, what would it hurt? And like I said, about 45 minutes later, he responded.

I feel much better about it now. He was candid and helpful. He made me realize that at the time, there wasn't much I could have done, and that what could be done might very well be outside my scope of expertise, which is true. I felt so bad because I felt I had failed my friend that called in the favor, and the band he was working with. He assuaged that, and I'm still feeling confident I can be a competent guitar tech.

He's the man, and thank you once again, Mr. Erlewine for your help.

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Saturday, May 10, 2008

Photo Hunt: Anything We Darn Well Pleased.

So, for this weeks foray in to the Photo Hunt, I chose this picture I took way back when I first got my PowerShot S3 IS, testing out the macro. Wires coming off the end of a cooling fan sitting on the shelf at my bench at work. Looks like they're stretching out ta grab ya. This was one of the first shots I took where I really thought to myself...hey, I can do this photography thing a little bit.

There you have it.

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Thursday, May 8, 2008

Not Bad Prognasticating!

So, a little over a year ago (April 12 2007) I spoke of how I was looking forward to the new Indy movie, and how I thought it should embrace his age and not overlook it. We're a little less than two weeks away from it arriving, so let's look back on it with what we know. Now, I got some things wrong, obviously. It doesn't seem like he "hung up the whip" at all. But I did say they should set it in during the Cold War era and have the enemies be the Russians. Nailed that (though I did say 70s...missed that by 20 years, but still). Said he should have a hot shot son. Well...I might have nailed that. We won't know what Shia LeBeouf's actual role is until May 22nd, they're being pretty secretive about that, but it's widely rumored that he's the child of Indy by way of Marion Ravenwood, being played once again by Karen Allen (which is awesome by the way). But his character is definitely a hotshot guy, so if he turns out to be his kid, I got that, too. Plus, in the trailer, they definitely had a moment where the music kicks in as he puts the hat on, which I said would be a goosebump like moment.

That's not bad for knowing ZERO about the movie at the time.

And a big shout out goes to Chewy, who in the comments suggested maybe an alien artifact could be used, also a good prediction. Now, the Crystal Skulls may or may not be alien, but it's definitely been reported that the movie itself will definitely explore the possibility that they could be. Which is a parallel to the time period, it's going to be a little more sci-fi than the others, because it takes place in the 50s when sci-fi serials were popular, since the other movies were based on Lucas and Spielbergs love of serials when they were kids.

For those Indy fans that poo-poo the sci-fi thing...oh shut up. You had no problem with the Ark of the Covenent spewing avenging angels and melting faces, or with Mola Ram ripping out the still beating hearts of sacrifices with his bare hands and the victim still living to be burned alive, or with the Holy Grail healing the gunshot wound of Henry Jones, Sr. There's always been sci-fi elements to these movies, but they were masked by "religious mythologies" (whether Western or Eastern) Now they're dropping that aspect (maybe). Don't get all worked up. I understand that it's trepidation from what Lucas did with the Star Wars prequels and such, but lets remember that Spielberg was on this, too, and actually directed. Not to mention that Harrison Ford is a bit of a persnippity guy and wouldn't sign off on something simply to do it. He's said he wanted to play Indy again, but he also had been turning down the script treatments for awhile.

For those that haven't seen the trailer. Take note of a few, looks like the warehouse from end of Raiders, doesn't it? Also, there is a shot of a box that says Roswell, NM on it...a clear indication of the alien aspect. I love the "Damn, I thought that was closer" moment. That's classic Indy. But yes, note that thing with hat and the music kicking. Damn that gets me.

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Tuesday, May 6, 2008

We Won't Get Fooled Again!

So, as I pulled in to the local gas station that shall remain nameless (It rhymes with Bell) this morning for a fill up, I was pleased because it was a Tuesday. See, they had a deal that all gas on Tuesdays was 5 cents off. I don't try to aim for this day, but it's a convenient station right on my path to work so when it does work out, hooray. Any other day and I'd go to another station nearby that pretty much always has the cheapest price (rhymes with Bess). But anyway, as I start to pump, I notice that the 5 cent off sign now says "every Thursday."

Screw you, gas station that rhymes with Bell!

I wouldn't be so upset about that, but see...originally when they started this, it was on Wednesday. When they moved to Tuesday, I shrugged it off, figuring there was some logistical, or at least, logical reason, to move it. But when I saw that sign today, boy, the light went on (and not that little low gas light in my car...though with prices today, I do let it get turned on more often than not).

Moving the day around is a shameless, shameless move to get people to come to their pumps on every day of the week. How much does anybody want to bet it gets moved to Monday in the not too distant future? I doubt I'd get any takers. Of course you wont see the discount on Friday, Saturday, or Sunday, though they might surprise me.

So, even though it's relatively convenient, I won't be using that particular station that rhymes with Bell anytime in the near future. There's a station that rhymes with TP right up the street a ways that might cost a bit more, but doesn't think their customers are complete idiots.

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Monday, May 5, 2008

Odd Shots - No Cash Value

Another photo thing to keep me shooting, though to be fair, this first entry it's all about a shot from the archives.

This shot came from pure improvisation. Nick, the man holding the coin, had found it, and I was messing with my camera at the time. So, I asked him to hold it up for me to take a macro shot of it. What really sells it, I think, is the expression Nick decided to give as I snapped the shot. Rest assured, this isn't his normal expression.

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My New Endevour:

I've decided to try my hand at a little side business.

What business is that, you ask? Killing. Killing is my business, and business is good. Just kidding, I had a random moment where I felt like quoting a Megadeth album title.

No, this is my new project:

Basically, minor guitar work. For those that don't play, guitars need to be periodically "set up" and if you have the know how and equipment, you can do it yourself. Most guitarists don't bother and go to a guy, or usually, a music store, and have it done. I've decided to try to become "the guy" for people in the area. I've already had a few clients, and they seemed pretty pleased. I'm hoping something comes of this, because I enjoy doing this stuff, and you really meet some interesting people doing this sort of thing. Like this cat: Helluva nice guy, and he's one of those "done it, seen it all" kind of guys that you could talk to for hours.

So, wish me luck with this foray in to uncharted territory, and for my local me up, man!

Also, are you enjoying the Twitter updates? I think I may move it down one slot because it looks like it sits high and weird to me.

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We Regret To Inform You:

For those of you who read, or came here as a result of, David's interview with me, there is no free swag.

Sorry for my little ruse. Which was actually a facetious comment. But that was definitely the one thing I said in that entire interview which everyone seemed to comment on, that's for sure. So, to be free swag.

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Friday, May 2, 2008

Photo Hunt: Time

This seems like fun, plus a good way to keep me shooting. So here we go.

I was actually shooting the classic Bromo Seltzer Tower in Baltimore, but obviously the clock tower right next to it is in the shot. Figured this would be a nice deviation from some standards.

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Thursday, May 1, 2008

An Open Letter To Roger Clemens:

Dear Roger.

I knew you were a headhunter, and dirty liar, but I didn't think you were an idiot. Thank you for proving me wrong.

Here's a tip for you, albeit it's a bit late, so you can't ever use it: if you're a relatively well known guy and are going to bring a lawsuit against someone claiming defamation of might want to make sure your closet is so immaculately empty that the Pope could eat off its floor. Otherwise, every itty piece of dirty scrap that's in said closet will see the light of day. Kind of like it's doing right now.

I still think you're a lying sack of monkey feces about your PED use, but way to go on blowing any integrity you had left. You should have left well enough alone, and let history be your judge, as it will for everyone else who played in the now "steroid era." But you cried foul, and now look at how your name is getting dragged through the mud.

You should stop worrying about the defamation lawsuit and worry about getting a good divorce lawyer, bud.

I have to wonder what other things you might have "misremembered" about your past before trying to salvage your legacy? Because every smutty reporter is looking reaaally hard for more now.

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I Discovered Something on Saturday...

Shooting lacrosse is hard.

Here are some of the shots that actually came out half decent. You'll notice that there are very few action shots. There are some that refer to it as "the fastest sport on two feet." I can tell you they may be right after trying to photograph it.

Senior Blake Best, about to restart play from the endline.

Not sure who this is (can't make the number out, but I think it's 41, Tim Stratton), "cradling" the ball as he was trying to avoid an oncoming defender who didn't make it in to the shot.

A Towson player after getting rocked, looks to be 23, Clint Brakebill. If you have keen eyes, you'll see the he still has possession of the ball, though, good for him.

One of the things I love about the sport is that when the ball hits the ground sometimes, it simply becomes chaos. Tiger player off his feet, and a Penn player stuffed by his own teammate as they both are trying to get the ball at their own feet.

Two Tigers celebrating after a score.

Tiger moving on the net, ball cradled in stick, longstick defender right behind him, another defender right above him. Looks like it might be Clint Brakebill again

Some of the other shots were interesting, but not post worthy. Either blurry (or I had the wrong perspective in a few shots of faceoffs from ground level that would have looked great had I not been focused on the ground about 5 feet in front of them) or simply poorly framed with no easy fix. But enjoy these, lacrosse fans and non lacrosse fans alike.

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Charter Member of the International Sarcasm Society
"Like We Need Your Support."