Sunday, July 18, 2010

This Really Just Happened:

Checking out a grocery store:

Cashier: Weird. This isn't registering. Hrm. Hey *manager name*, this isn't ringing up, it keeps saying "Not for sale!"

Manager (without hesitation): Yeah, those are recalled.

Me: Recalled. Maybe you shouldn't have them on the shelves, then?

Manager (indignant): Well, sir, sometimes things get...overlooked.

Me (wtf look, to people behind me in line): Wait, how am I the asshole here?

Moral to the story: it's not the grocery stores responsibility to take a recalled food item off their shelves. They'll just wait until you try and buy it to take it away. My eye rolling might be causing tropical storms right now.

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Thursday, July 15, 2010

I'm Not Dead Yet...

I feel happy...I feel haaaappppppyyyy *thud*

And with a heavy handed Monty Python reference, I crash land back in to my own territory. Is there anyone out there who even is paying attention? Do I require another round of networking and blog surfing again if I wish to have more than an audience of 5? Do me a favor, give me a quick comment, let me know what kind of uphill battle of left myself with here, would ya? It'll take you five seconds, and the emotional scarring you'll give me will more than make up for that, I promise.

Anyway, instead of rambling incessantly about what "you've missed," I'll simply make a list of bullet points. Things I've done and/or learned, things that have crossed my limited mind, that sort of thing.

  • Apparently, the gene pool created by my wife and I create a being that has an alarming cuteness:deviousness ratio.
  • Bands and/or producers/engineers are winning the Loudness Wars, but our ears refuse to give up the good fight (or so I'd like to believe).
  • The Cleveland Show is a bad idea (both the Family Guy spin off and the lame stunt LeBron James pulled).
  • Re: the BP fiasco, people's grasp of how things work on a local level upset me. Hey Mr. Likes To Gloat About Local Gas Station is Tanking, I've got news for you: that poor franchise owner is simply that, and besides a hindsight wrong decision in what wagon he hitched his horse, is a victim in this as well. Don't take your anger out on them.
  • It would seem, according to a new fangled analyzer making the rounds, that I write like Stephen King. I promise not to end this post with a vague concept that can't be quite visualized, therefore making the movie version reaaaaaaally lame.
  • I think my ever present writer's block might have an origin in fear.
  • I wish I could quit you, Vanilla Coke.
  • I may root for the worst team in baseball, but I root for them loudly and openly, damn it. My team will always be my team, and while it's annoying and frustrating for them to be so bad, I can't fathom someone who calls themselves a fan who actually finds enjoyment out of this (and I'm not referring to what I do sometimes: defensive "laugh so you don't cry" type humor).
  • Frankenstein's Monster says: politicians BAAAAAAAAAAAAAD!
  • If you're tired of Hollywood remakes, don't go. No money in them, less interest in spending money on them.
  • I have a theory on the ending of Lost, but nobody seems to care since I never actually watched Lost. But in my mind, that makes my theory the best as everyone else can't seem to figure that shit out.
  • Conan was screwed, but he set a pretty good example on how to handle a poor situation with grace and dignity. He let the other talk show hosts (like Kimmel) do all the hilarious dirty work.
  • What's with all the bacon obsession? I mean, bacon is pretty cool, but in the past few years its become this juggernaut pop culture icon on it's own. Between fast food grandstanding and Jim Gaffigan basing half a comedy special on it, you'd half expect the First Church of Bacon (not Kevin) to pop up by now.
  • President Obama's campaign team must have watched a lot of Bob the Builder. Think about it.
  • I thought I'd hate children's programming, and there's surely some I could easily do without, forever, but I've found that just like my high tolerance for adult aged crap, I'll get in to the preschool aged crap as much.
  • If your mother dies two weeks before your daughter is born, and then your daughter starts to physically resemble your mother as she this creepy?
  • Never go against a Sicilian when death is on the line.
  • Can someone explain Lady GaGa to me? On second thought, don't. I'd rather not have nightmares.
  • When exactly did the news sources stop reporting the news to us and begin to tell us the news? The world would be better off the first way...or at least less knee jerk.
  • Someone who needs to cast brothers should give Mark Ruffalo and Vincent D'onofrio a call. Seriously.

Okay, that about does it. Perhaps I'll come back to this and post some (possibly humorous, at least to me) pictures.

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