Thursday, December 31, 2009

Erin Wishes You...

ErinAndGranddad (3)
Originally uploaded by Bart Raeke

A Happy New Year!

I may try to write again. Maybe a bit more anecdotal than conversational, I dunno quite yet. But I'm not as disenchanted with my "public image" as I was a few months ago.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Thursday, October 22, 2009


I've taken down the Twitter feed. I'd like somethings I think and say to be private.

I'm also sorry for lack of updates, but because my ethics don't let me post anonymously, I'm hamstrung sometimes by what I want to say, and what I CAN say.

Erin and Jess remain awesome, as always. But this site may fade away in to the archives of the interwebs. Which will disappoint perhaps 3 people, so whatever.

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Thursday, October 8, 2009

If I can't Think of Anything to Write...

Originally uploaded by bartraeke

I just post an Erin picture.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Apollo 11

We've recently celebrated the success of Apollo 11's mission, first man to walk on our moon. Now, don't get me wrong. I'm not a conspiracy theorist. I believe they want up there, walked around, I definitely do. However, I want to submit the following pictures, following by a brief discussion.

The first is of Aldrin coming down the ladder to the surface.

The second is a shot of the LEM, Lunar Excursion Module, or Lunar Lander, The Eagle.

And lastly, a still from the video footage of Armstrong making his first descent.

So. Discussion time.

Where's the camera during Armstrong's historic first step? Based on the previous pictures, and the angle, we can guess that it may possibly be on the next "leg" of the LEM about 3 feet up.

I say possibly, because I'm not sure that's where it was at all. I think it was somewhere completely different.

I believe the camera was in Buzz Aldrin's hands.

Here's why.

One, at that relative height and angle, I think if a camera where on the another landing leg, the shot would have contained more of the LEM body itself.

Two, I think the angle is slightly off. Looking at it, I think that angle would be farther off than the leg actually is. Not by much, maybe about how wide a human body is?

Three, the LEMs were practically tin foil. Would they really have engineered a camera to fit on one leg, unbalancing that one leg? Or if it's somehow on the body, engineered it there? And for that matter, do you think NASA would have risked losing the camera in transit by having it affixed to the LEM?

Four, in that vein, would NASA risk looking bad by going out "cold"? Considering the space race's origins and motivations weren't entirely scientific but politically charged, would they have risked having a major screw up like that as they were about to triumph?

My thought is this. I don't think Aldrin was out first. I think Neil Armstrong did indeed come out first. But not when we thought. I think they did a "dry run." Neil came out, Aldrin came out. Things were "all clear." Aldrin grabbed the camera, and the "historic moment" took place. No real harm, to me anyway. More like justifiable prudence and a little white lying.

But I tell you what, if that's what really happened, it makes Armstrong flubbing his line all that more funny (if you didn't know, he meant to say "That's one small step for *A* man, one giant leap for mankind).

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Monday, July 27, 2009

Okay, Life. It's On, Like Donkey Kong.

I go an allergist today. I'm coming up on 32. I'm tired of being on a constant diet of some sort of over the counter allergy medication. I know I have hay fever, I know grass and I don't really get along, and I know I'm allergic to cats. All I care about is finding a better relief solution.

So, first appointment and all, they do the "prick test." I came up positive, to no one's surprise *rimshot*

Anyway, after the nurse took down the readings, I asked what came up, out of curiosity.

"Grass, ragweed, cat, and dog."

Wha, whoa, wait, rewind, hold the phone, what was that last one?


The animal, that with very little exception, I've lived with all my life. The animal that my parents apparently didn't know I was allergic to, although they did know about the cats.

This is my mind. This is my mind blown. Life threw me a nasty 12-6 curveball, and I waved at it like a little leaguer.

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Monday, July 20, 2009

The Half-Blood Prince

There will be spoilers ahead. Oh yes, there will be spoilers...

Okay, I came out of the movie, and I liked it. I was entertained. Had a good time. Didn't initially have any quibbles from the changes made from book to movie (in fact, I thought some of the changes to Harry's Felix Felices adventures were great, and quite funny). Jessie was disappointed. I wondered why. I started thinking about it. And then, I became disappointed. I still liked the movie, but I am now disappointed. And I'm really pissed at David Yates, the director. Who also cut and chopped Order of the Phoenix in order to make it the shortest movie simply because he wanted it to be the shortest one. And it worries the hell outta me that he's directing the Deathly Because I began to think back upon the books. And no, this isn't a "boo hiss they aren't like the books" problem. It's a "boo hiss, how the hell are they gonna fix this so the actual story is told correctly?" problem. Biiiig difference.

There's good darn reason why DH is going to be two movies. To play "catch up" with all the important things excised!

For example...we met Kreacher in OotP. We get brief mention of Regulus Black (by Slughorn of all people, why didn't they take 5 seconds during the family tree scene in OotP and have Sirius talk of his brother?). So we're set for the oh so obvious reveal that the fake locket was placed by Regulus A. Black (RAB). But what we're missing is seeing Kreacher at Grimauld Place LOOTING AND HIDING ANYTHING HE COULD FIND OF THE BLACKS! So now, DH will have to do some extra story telling to get from point A to point B by way of point M, N, and O.

And what about The Gray Lady? We haven't even seen Nearly Headless Nick for 3 movies or so. But she's rather important, and I can't even recall if they've mentioned her as one of the Hogwart's ghosts!

I get the very real feeling that the reason why Dumbledore's funeral wasn't at the end of Half-Blood Prince is because they're saving it for the beginning of DH. Why? Well...I've already have seen pictures of Harry, Ron, and Hermione fleeing through the streets of London wearing formal clothing. And while we met Fleur DeLecour (sp?) in Goblet of Fire, the movies have left her out since, directly pertaining to her romance of Bill Weasley. Which in the novel is why they're wearing formal outfits...they've run from Bill and Fleur's wedding. I think this is also why the scene of the Weasley house being attacked and destroyed was added (as in, not in the book at all). No Weasley residence, no wedding there. I suppose they could still have a wedding, Lupin and Tonks, but it seems to make more sense to make it Dumbledore's funeral, so that his will can be executed (a plot point that can't be left out).

I bet Rowling, at least a small part of her, is wondering why she didn't exercise more control. I heard she made them keep Kreacher in OotP (which was made before DH was published, and so they didn't realize he'd reappear and that it'd be significant), but there are so many details that are almost essential at this point that DH is going to have to be cumbersome to get them sorted.

And this isn't even getting in to how they left out most of the Pensieve scenes, so while you get an idea of how creepy young Tom Riddle was, you don't get nearly the amount of Voldemort backstory, which was really what the damn book was for in the first place!

Oh, and I was REALLY annoyed at how the Half-Blood Prince (the mystery of the person, not the movie itself) was given the Marauders Map treatment. No wondering who he actually is throughout the movie? No explanation given on what it actually means? GAH!

I did find it rather amusing at how they had to make a special point of establishing that Harry and Hermione are very close...but not that close. I've always thought the books made that relatively clear, while visually, the movies give the impression, if you had never read the books, that Harry and Hermione were eventually going to end up together. They started mending that in GoF with the ball scene, but there were still a lot of "close" moments between Harry and Hermione. So, internally, I giggled a bit when Dumbledore flat out asked Harry about him and Hermione.

So, all in all...entertaining, but ultimately executed in such a way that I'm very afraid that The Deathly Hallows is going to be a confuddled mess.

Oh, and here...Erin playing in the late morning sun.


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Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Erin's Breakfast

Erin's Breakfast
Originally uploaded by bartraeke

You really wouldn't believe how much she preens for the camera. For an infant she has a pretty good idea of what the camera is for.

Monday, July 13, 2009

A Little More Thought, Please.

So, I recently read an article. In this article, they talk about the ever-in-talks Goonies 2, and start speculating about who could play the literal next generation of the Goonies. Which I don't have a problem with...except for their complete lack of imagination, save for one casting choice.

Pretty much every offspring is modeled exactly after their parent (with the exception of Andi). Come on, Virgin, show some imagination! Why not swap the sons of Mikey and Brand, and have Brand's son the smaller but smarter one, and Mikey's son the "meathead"? Why not make Mouth's kid the slight outcast, like Chunk, and have Chunk's kid be the techno-wizard. Data's kid can be the smartass. You can keep the stereotypes, but think outside the box some, for crying out loud.

Makes me wish I wrote for sites like that.

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Myself, Erin, and Jessie as Infants

Originally uploaded by bartraeke

Updated to have Erin flanked by her parents.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Me and Erin as Infants

Me and Erin as Infants
Originally uploaded by bartraeke

Check this out. Myself around a year old, Erin around 8 months.

I think in the very near future I'll expand this so the photo of Erin is flanked by my photo and one of Jessie as well. For the full effect.

Friday, July 10, 2009

B.I.C. is Back...

Well, I've restarted The Baltimore Inferiority Complex blog, to discuss Baltimore sports and the unique fandom that accompanies the teams. Should be fun.

If any of my Baltimore sports teams fan peeps out there wish to contribute, get in touch with me, I do believe something may be arranged.

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Put Another Shrimp on the Barbie...

When I was little, I thought that meant the girls incredibly mis-proportioned doll.

Anyway. I've only recently gotten back in to grilling. I love to grill. It's fun, I love the smell, both of the grill and of the food, and let's face it...grilled food is simply the shit. I threw some steaks on there the other night and they were so damn delectable, I was honestly depressed when they were consumed.

But the reason I hadn't been grilling much, and I know my man card is suspect here, but it's because I absolutely sucked at lighting the grill up. I would have to put copious amounts of lighter fluid on it, to the point that my face was in perpetual danger of being singed off. I grew leery, and eventually stopped.

That was, until Jessie found BBQ in a Bag. AWESOME. You light the bag! That's it! There must be some sort of accelerant coating the inside, because once the bag catches, in no time at all it's blazing, transferring to the coals, and then it dissolves away leaving the coals fired and going like gangbusters. So easy, even a Bartman can do it.

So, my overall point is...anybody have any good grilling recipes?

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Wednesday, July 8, 2009


I'm a slacker, sue me.

No, don't. I need my monies.

Anyway, I've been watching a little movie lately about a creepy old man stalker type, who collects odd things, consorts with insects, and lusts after someone who is probably more than 3 times his junior.

The amazing thing is, this creepy old man stalker type is absolutely adorable and lovable. Who is this and how can this be?

Seriously. He's like 700 years old. His technology is very analog to EVE's digital and ultra-high tech. He's about 700 years old, so I'm figuring she's at least half that, probably "younger." She definitely hasn't been active long enough to build up sentience like WALL-E has, though she does with his help. She clearly doesn't want him around at first, but he stalks the heck out of her, and then does some pretty stalker-y things when she's powered down.

But look at ' darn cute.

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Wuh oh...

Originally uploaded by bartraeke

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Since I Know You Want To Know...

Yes, I saw the new Star Trek. Yes, I liked it a lot.

But even if it wasn't badass in it's own right, as a long time Trek fan, it was worth it to see the cadet Kirk infamously "beat" the Kobayashi Maru no-win scenario. It's just a shame that the time line changes didn't let him get that commendation for original thinking he talked about in Wrath of Khan.

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Thursday, May 7, 2009

In The Interest of Full Disclosure...

I, indeed, struck out swinging last night while playing slow pitch softball.

My man card has been suspended for review, though I'm confident that my bad ass Wolverine facial hair will get it reinstated within short order.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

I Think It's Been Long Enough...

And I honestly need to let this out, catharsis if you will.

I killed my mother.

Not literally. I'm not Norman Bates. However, I had to "make the call."

They day she died, I was working a football game. Right after halftime, I got an odd call from a doctor at the hospital she was in at the time. Mostly odd because he was hard to understand. Anyway, he was telling me that she was having breathing problems, and that they wanted to put her on a respirator. However, she didn't seem to be in her right mind, and so they were calling the people who were in her living will. My aunt, and me. They couldn't reach my aunt. I immediately froze up, and had no clue what to do. The doctor told me they could temporarily use CPAP as a form of respiration until we could assess it better. I okay'ed that, then after a few minutes of frantic contemplation, called my aunt. Between the two of us, we figured she needed to go to the hospital (she was much closer, I was 30 minutes away) and figure out what was happening.

The next 20 minutes or so was agonizing. I sat on the floor of the 3rd floor of the Unitas Stadium press box, by the windows near the elevators, outside of the Presidents private suite. Thankfully I knew the woman manning the door, and the woman who basically organized those suite events during games. They both "took care of me" during that time, getting me water and stuff, while my awesome game day crew shouldered the load of the game.

About 20 minutes later my aunt called, and her message was to the point. "You need to get down here." I went to my crew and told them I was leaving, and they assured me they could handle things, and then I broke quite a few speed limits on my way down there. I was having deja vu from when my father died. I was also called by my aunt, and I also sped like hell to get to the same hospital, but in that case, I started from halfway to Wilkes-Barre, PA and didn't make it in time. I didn't want that to happen again.

When I got there, my aunt made it clear that it wasn't very good. The doctors wouldn't give a 100% assurance that she could come off the respirator if they put her on one, nor would they commit that a respirator would even work, though they were "confident" that it would. And that was something she didn't want, to be on a respirator on any sort of permanent basis. But at the same time...doctors never give 100% assurances on anything anymore. They have to be careful and protect themselves. So after talking to my aunt, and briefly talking to the doctor about what exactly was happening came the moment of truth.

My aunt and I looked at each other.

Finally, she said, "You have to do it...I just can't do it." For anybody who knows my Aunt Sherry, that might come to a surprise to you. She's a very strong woman. But when it came to making the tough call on her little sister, she couldn't.

I stood there for I don't know how long. Felt like forever. Was probably only a few minutes. Finally, swallowing my selfish pride, and trying to look at it clinically as I could, I said, "she wouldn't want the respirator. We can't do it. I really wish it were other wise...but this goes against her wishes." My aunt nodded in agreement, and we notified the doctor.

That's when we "robed up" and went in to her ICU unit. She was in and out of coherent consciousness, both according to the doctor and my aunt. But when she saw me, she gave me a weird look, and said "What are you doing here?"

She knew. I know in my heart that she knew. I was rendered speechless and looked helplessly at my aunt. I had just made the decision that would kill my mother minutes before, and now I was face to face with her, and she knew by my presence of what was going on. Aunt Sherry helped by saying something like "he wanted to come see you," something generic. Something I'm very grateful for her for, because I jumped on that to have something to say. Luckily she didn't stay that coherent long. I spent most of the rest of the time adjusting her CPAP mask, it was a bit small and kept creeping off her chin. It didn't help that she obviously didn't want to be wearing it in the first place.

I took a few moments to call her oldest friend, my godmother, and told her she should drop everything and get up to the hospital. She was there within 15 minutes. I think Mom recognized her when she came in, but its hard to tell, she didn't last much longer after that. From that point things are something of a blur, but I do rememeber hugging her, sobbing, and pouring my heart out. I don't even know if she was still alive at that point. I'm not sure I want to know, I'd rather believe she was. But it wasn't long after that the nurse came in and told us she was gone.

That was about the point where I grew numb for awhile. The next day I started writing her eulogy, and that helped "dethaw" me.

But, it still haunts me that I had to make that call. I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy. I'm not sure anybody should ever have to be put in that position. Her life was in my hands. I'm pretty sure I made the right choice, but there are times when I look at my beautiful child, and I wonder...I wonder if I had decided to be selfish, maybe she would have seen her granddaughter. She was so looking forward to that. I was so looking for that. I wouldn't have admitted it at the time, but I was very much looking forward to "presenting" Erin to her grandmother.

And then, as I fumbled my way in to parenthood, I realized I also wish, again for selfish reasons, that I had my mother around for the advice. I've leaned a lot on my wonderful mother in law (I lucked out in that regard, big time), but I never realized how much I expected at least one of my parents to be there when I became a parent. I could have gotten advice ahead of time, but I didn't. So now, I'm flying almost blind, trying to just think of what my father or mother would have done.

Luckily I have a wonderful wife, and I also have an astounding child who makes it easy for me by being absolutely fascinated by her dada. I think I'll be okay.

But I did kill my mother. Not directly, the infection that ran rampant through her system was the direct cause. But I was given the decision to extend her life. It's very possible that she might still be alive today.

But. What if. Maybe. This tale is full of a lot of those words. A person who I respect a great deal, when I told him about this stuff, told me that I shouldn't second guess myself about this. That, in the end, things probably worked the way they should have. But he also admitted that he had never been in quite the same position.

I don't know. I'll probably live with this for the rest of my life. One day, when Erin is much older, and ready, I may tell her this story, as I promised my mother on her deathbed that I'd tell her all about her, and her grandfather, and thats obviously part of it, and an important part of her own fathers life. I'll tell you this though, writing it down (or typing it out, as it were) and putting it out there for mass consumption does help. It doesn't change the past, or the future, but it does make me feel better in a way. Catharsis.

Happy Mother's Day (a bit early), Mom. I never thought I'd miss you as much as I do. You and Dad.

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Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Major League...again.

So, as I watched, yet again, Major League today, I noticed something interesting.

In many scenes when the players are out in public, at restaurants or bars, the others have alcohol, but Rick Vaughn has soda (most notably he's drinking beer right before the final game when Dorn's wife seduces him). It starts at the French restaurant that Taylor takes Vaughn and Hayes to when they get to Cleveland. Taylor and Hayes have wine, Vaughn has soda. Then later, when Vaughn is signing his first autograph, he has soda, Taylor has a beer (I think).

And it made me wonder...was there a dropped plotline about why Rick Vaughn wasn't drinking? Maybe he was on he said, he didn't think he'd be able to make spring training because he was in jail. Maybe part of his release was to stay off the sauce?

If anybody knows, let me know. My curiosity has been piqued.

Erin Playing on Mommy and Daddy's Bed

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Erin Playing on Mommy and Daddy's Bed

Erin Playing on Mommy and Daddy's Bed
Originally uploaded by bartraeke

If you think this is should go look at the rest of this impromptu "session."

Kids a natural.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

A Sure Sign That Spring is Here (besides baseball):

My azaleas are in full bloom. I took pictures now, because they'll look simply like bushes quite soon. They're beautiful, but they sure don't last long.





Nice, huh?

And here it is, your moment of cute-zen.

Erin Eating 1

Erin Eating 2

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Wednesday, April 15, 2009

There's an Injustice...

And no, it's not that I've gone this long without blogging, though I do apologize for it.

No, the injustice is here, and with baseball season underway, I figured I'd bring it up:

There are some great, great, GREAT Movie/TV jerseys here. I mean, a Jimmy Chitwood Huskers "Hoosiers" basketball jersey? I'd wear that.

And there's some really good fictional players from many sports movies there.

The injustice comes when you note the selection from the Major League movies.

There's Wild Thing, Ricky Vaughn. There's Roger Dorn. There's Pedro Cerrano. There's Willie Mays Hayes. Theres...Tanaka? Well, okay. And that's it. Obviously, there are lots of people left out there. But one of them is glaring and I'm actually sorta steamed about it.

Where's #7? Where's Jake Taylor?

You can argue that the first movie is supposed to focus on a group of players, mainly Vaughn, Hayes, and Taylor (and to some extent Dorn, who, by the way, has many B.J. Surhoff separated at birth moments, especially after his "pep talk" to Vaughn before the penultimate strikeout that leads to the climax). I'd argue that it's Taylor's movie, the rest get second focus, and everyone else gets third. I'd even argue that while the focus clearly shifts in the second movie, it still has Taylor at the heart.

So where's his effin' jersey, you buttholes? I mean, you gave TANAKA a jersey. An offensive (though it's okay, its for laughs!) stereotype that, in the wake of all the good Japanese players that have crashed the MLB since looks so dated in the second movie...but you don't make one for Jake Taylor...the man not only was the heart and central focus of the original movie, but he ends up managing the team by the end of the second!

Yeah, you can get Taylor t-shirts on the web if you look, but I'm pointing a finger directly at that site for a grave failing on their part.

Side note: For those familiar with the movie, have you ever seen the alternate ending? Where Lou Brown hands in his resignation to Rachel Phelps, saying he has no intentions on hanging around while she machinates a move to Florida, and she tells him it was all a ruse? That she actually did love the team, and wanted to keep it in Cleveland, but it was on the verge of bankruptcy, so she not only personally hand picked him to lead them, but personally scouted the team, trying to find players she knew could turn it around. She then played the "Herb Brooks" ploy, uniting the team by being a bitch to them. Brown agrees to stay, but Phelps tells him he can never reveal what really happened, or her "true" nature. Test screeners liked having Rachel as the evil bitch villain though, so it was removed. You can find it on one of the special edition DVDs. Not to mention, she plays the bitch too often in the previous scenes, especially when alone with GM Charlie ending like that, while "happy" would seem jarring and out of place and too neatly wrapped up and perfect.

And just because I know you'd kill me if I didn't, your dose of cute:

Erin in Her Bunny Ears 2

And just for kicks, the final 20 minutes (cut in to two parts), which is basically the climactic win and you're in game they play vs. the Yankees for the pennant.

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Wednesday, March 25, 2009

So Lets See...

What to talk about? Well, I got an iPhone, for I'm a slave to technology. For the same reason I talked my lovely wife in to a new TV (thanks honey!).

Erin remains irrepressibly cute, which is a good thing for her as her stinky diapers could be used as biological weapons, though I'm sure that's prohibited by the Geneva Convention.
Erin Playing 7

Baseball season is right around the corner, so I'm excited about that. The Matt Wieters watch has officially begun!

Now excuse me as I watch Scrubs.

Well How About That!

I can blog from my phone! Beware mortals! Hehe.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Vbloggin' Viznit - Special Cutesy Edition!

Let's just say the muse hit me this morning as Erin was playing. Enjoy as she herself enjoys one of her favorite activities:

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Monday, March 2, 2009

Welp, That Was a Nice Break

But now back to it.

Jessie suggested that I give an update on Erin, and like most things she suggests, that's a great idea. So that's a what I'ma gonna do.


The colic is over, yay. She's starting to teethe, though, but hey, that's to be expected. And we lucked out in the regard that she generally sleeps through the night. She doesn't exactly like to go places though, she's kind of a homebody like her folks.


But, she's quite talkative, though she obviously isn't actually saying anything. She's started to make raspberry like sounds, so solid P sounds should follow.

And she thinks its hilarious when I take her hands or feet and hit myself with them, and recoil. I'm not sure what that means...


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Monday, February 9, 2009

Yes, I Did Steroids

Thank you all for coming today.

Over the weekend, it was brought to light that I tested positive for steroids in the past. These allegations are true. I have indeed used steroids. In the summer of 1998, I was doing yardwork, clearing some brush away from plants, and foolishly forgot to use some arm protection. In short order, I had a very bad case of poison ivy up both of my arms. For the next month, I was on a steroid regiment. I'm not proud of this act, but I felt it necessary at the time in order to perform. I hope I haven't tarnished my status to my many fans.

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Friday, January 30, 2009

Reflecting on the Season

Today, on the eve of the Big Game (because you can't say Super's trademarked and copyrighted...oh, wait...shit)* I thought I might reflect on this years Ravens season.

I could only be happier if they had won the whole shebang.

I mean, let's face it. Nobody gave the Purple and Black any chance. Not with a rookie head coach. And then during the preseason when Kyle Boller got hurt and Troy Smith got really, really, really sick, they had the hand the keys to the offense to a rookie QB (albeit a first round draft choice) in Joe Flacco, one they were planning on having hold a clipboard his first season. Most experts pegged them as a 5 or 6 win team. Then, through a really bad break from Mother Nature, their week 2 game is pushed back to their bye week midseason, effectively not giving them a proper bye (they might not have played in Week 2, but they did practice normal because of the scheduled game).

So what do they do? They go 11-5 and make the playoffs as a Wild Card team. Then, Joe Flacco becomes the first rookie QB in NFL history to win 2 road playoff games, including taking out the number 1 seed in the second round.

Then they got in to a out and out brawl with the Steelers in the AFC Championship game...a game that if you told me they'd be playing in back in September, I would have told you that you were being irrational...and ended up losing.

Am I disappointed that we didn't get to the Super Bowl? Sure. Do I think that diminishes the awesome that was this season for the Ravens? Heck no.

I do have to admit, though, it's really strange to be Wacko for Flacco. I mean, I'm a Towson alum and staff member. He came out of UDel. That's oil and water, folks. :D But I am Wacko for Flacco. With my birthday a month away (and the season only a month old) I asked Jessie for a Flacco #5 jersey. I then proceeded to wear it every Sunday until this past one, and I'll probably wear it when I watch the Super Bowl on Sunday out of general principle. Here's a shot of me and Erin (she's wearing Ravens gear too!) the first day I wore it.

Daddy and Daughter on Game Day

So we didn't win it all. It was still a great run, a great season. I'm proud to be a Ravens fan after that season.

*This is SO a joke my father would make. One of his fav's was "go get me something out of the icebox. I have to say icebox, because I can't say refrigerator."

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Flashback Friday: Humpday Haiku?

Let's flashback to the hallowed days of antiquity...namely 2 days ago, when I forgot to publish a Humpday Haiku. Allow me to rectify that oversight now.

Sliding all around

I always forget about this

My skate traction.

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Thursday, January 29, 2009

WWTD? (What Would Trent Do?)

After doing one of those "Memory of Me" meme's on Facebook, one of my old pals reminded me of how we used to obsess a bit over the show Daria, even to the point of bringing in a tape of it to watch at our theatre after a work shift (or kicking out the group as she put it).

It made me remember how so very much I wanted to be like the character Trent on that show. And how I used to always sort of go by the mantra of "What Would Trent Do?" Andi, my friend, assured me that "except for the monotone and tattoos" I was very much like Trent, though I tend to disagree.

And I'm thinking, maybe I should once again aspire to Trent-ism. Unflappable, smooth, but still coy and quick on the uptake (most of the time, Trent had his moments where he seemed like he wasn't quite awake), but most of all, he always seemed oddly insightful, and I always dug that aspect. If I can get my Trent groove back, that'd be pretty cool. I'll have to work on that.

Though I don't think I should start a band called Mystik Spiral.

Also, BIG UPS and thanks to Ben (you can find him at for coming through on my new banner, I think it's awesome.

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Charter Member of the International Sarcasm Society
"Like We Need Your Support."

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