Friday, January 30, 2009

Reflecting on the Season

Today, on the eve of the Big Game (because you can't say Super's trademarked and copyrighted...oh, wait...shit)* I thought I might reflect on this years Ravens season.

I could only be happier if they had won the whole shebang.

I mean, let's face it. Nobody gave the Purple and Black any chance. Not with a rookie head coach. And then during the preseason when Kyle Boller got hurt and Troy Smith got really, really, really sick, they had the hand the keys to the offense to a rookie QB (albeit a first round draft choice) in Joe Flacco, one they were planning on having hold a clipboard his first season. Most experts pegged them as a 5 or 6 win team. Then, through a really bad break from Mother Nature, their week 2 game is pushed back to their bye week midseason, effectively not giving them a proper bye (they might not have played in Week 2, but they did practice normal because of the scheduled game).

So what do they do? They go 11-5 and make the playoffs as a Wild Card team. Then, Joe Flacco becomes the first rookie QB in NFL history to win 2 road playoff games, including taking out the number 1 seed in the second round.

Then they got in to a out and out brawl with the Steelers in the AFC Championship game...a game that if you told me they'd be playing in back in September, I would have told you that you were being irrational...and ended up losing.

Am I disappointed that we didn't get to the Super Bowl? Sure. Do I think that diminishes the awesome that was this season for the Ravens? Heck no.

I do have to admit, though, it's really strange to be Wacko for Flacco. I mean, I'm a Towson alum and staff member. He came out of UDel. That's oil and water, folks. :D But I am Wacko for Flacco. With my birthday a month away (and the season only a month old) I asked Jessie for a Flacco #5 jersey. I then proceeded to wear it every Sunday until this past one, and I'll probably wear it when I watch the Super Bowl on Sunday out of general principle. Here's a shot of me and Erin (she's wearing Ravens gear too!) the first day I wore it.

Daddy and Daughter on Game Day

So we didn't win it all. It was still a great run, a great season. I'm proud to be a Ravens fan after that season.

*This is SO a joke my father would make. One of his fav's was "go get me something out of the icebox. I have to say icebox, because I can't say refrigerator."

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Flashback Friday: Humpday Haiku?

Let's flashback to the hallowed days of antiquity...namely 2 days ago, when I forgot to publish a Humpday Haiku. Allow me to rectify that oversight now.

Sliding all around

I always forget about this

My skate traction.

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Thursday, January 29, 2009

WWTD? (What Would Trent Do?)

After doing one of those "Memory of Me" meme's on Facebook, one of my old pals reminded me of how we used to obsess a bit over the show Daria, even to the point of bringing in a tape of it to watch at our theatre after a work shift (or kicking out the group as she put it).

It made me remember how so very much I wanted to be like the character Trent on that show. And how I used to always sort of go by the mantra of "What Would Trent Do?" Andi, my friend, assured me that "except for the monotone and tattoos" I was very much like Trent, though I tend to disagree.

And I'm thinking, maybe I should once again aspire to Trent-ism. Unflappable, smooth, but still coy and quick on the uptake (most of the time, Trent had his moments where he seemed like he wasn't quite awake), but most of all, he always seemed oddly insightful, and I always dug that aspect. If I can get my Trent groove back, that'd be pretty cool. I'll have to work on that.

Though I don't think I should start a band called Mystik Spiral.

Also, BIG UPS and thanks to Ben (you can find him at for coming through on my new banner, I think it's awesome.

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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Top Ten Secondary Movie/TV Characters I Can't Help But Feel Really Sorry For:

Wow, the title threatens to be longer than the body of the post, huh? Kinda like that Fiona Apple album from the late 90s with the ridiculously long name.

Anyway, I'm sure you have this syndrome, too. You'll be watching a movie, and for whatever reason, you really start to sympathize (or hell, empathize) with a secondary character. I figured I'd call attention to the ones I've always felt really bad for. Obviously there might be spoilers here, so read at your own risk.

10. Sallah/Marcus Brody in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. They barely make the list because my reasons for feeling bad for the characters isn't story related, it stems from poor characterization continuity. Both of these characters change drastically from Raiders of the Lost Ark. Both are relatively dignified in Raiders, Marcus especially so. In Last Crusade they are both turned in to clown shoes for comic relief. For shame.

9. Ross on Friends. This is a bit of a stretch since its hard to call any of the main cast of Friends "secondary" but indulge me that on any given episode, given the ensemble nature, any of them can take secondary roles. He's not always right, but the show does a fairly good job of making him the brunt of most of the jokes. Almost every altercation he has with Phoebe is a great example of how being "cruel to Ross" is funny in their world, but the example I'll give is when Ross and Phoebe debate evolutionary theory. Ross, being a doctor of paleontology, of course believes in evolutionary theory, but Phoebe doesn't prescribe to any one course. By the end of the show, she gets Ross to admit that there is the possibility he might be wrong since so many theories have been disproved in the scientific world over the course of human history. When he does reluctantly concede that she has a point there, she mocks him for "caving" on his beliefs to the "entertainment" of the audience. Man, I simply feel bad for the guy at those points.

8. Bishop in Aliens. He gets pissed all over by Ripley the entire movie for her (justifiable) fear of artificial life forms, but he's nothing but virtuous, even embarking on the very dangerous mission to remotely fly the second drop ship down so they can get the hell off that rock. He comes through and right after Ripley FINALLY gives him respect, he gets bisected by the Queen. Rough gig. Honorable mention: Newt and Hicks...mainly because Aliens goes out of its way to have these two survive only to have them unceremoniously offed before Aliens3 ever really starts. Booo!

7. Bob Morton in Robocop. Okay, he's an asshole...but he's not as big of an asshole as Dick Jones or Clarence Boddicker, and he did conceptualize Robocop. This is the guy who thought up the whole Robocop idea, and he's grenaded to bits by Boddicker, because he dared to make Jones look bad when ED209 malfunctioned and talk some shit in the executive washroom at OCP. In a way, Murphy doesn't only avenge his own execution by Boddicker and his gang, but his creator's execution.

6. Every person caught in the crossfire of every 80s action movie ever. Seriously, watch an 80s (and sometimes 90s) action movie, and there'll be some poor schmuck standing in the wrong place at the wrong time. Heck, I think in Total Recall Arnie uses one as a human shield once they've been killed. Unceremonious!

5. That lady Marcellus Wallace shoots because he's wobbly from the car accident in Pulp Fiction. I mean, come on, even in a movie full of gratuitous violence, was it necessary for her to take a round in the leg for trying to be a good Samaritan? I always cringe at that scene, moreso than the "needle in the chest" scene.

4. Frank Poole in 2001: A Space Oddysey. Poor bastard never saw it coming, did he? And here's an even worse scenerio...what if HAL didn't kill him initially by slamming the pod in to him? That means he ends up starving to death in his space suit, floating in the vast depthness of space. Shudder.

3. Cicero in Gladiator. Who, you're probably asking? Maximus' aide, the one with the scars. OH THAT GUY you're saying. Yeah, him. Poor guy. He gets about 5 minutes of screen time. He gets to talk to Maximus right before he's betrayed...gets to find Maximus at the Colliseum, and then deliver his figurines and ring to him, then he gets to talk to Lucilla for about a hot second, then, for all his faithfulness he gets hung AND hit with like a dozen arrows.

2. Mouse in the Matrix. I just feel bad for the little guy. He seems so...chipper...for a guy in their relatively bleak situation and he gets offed relatively unceremoniously. I also feel fairly bad for Apoc and Switch in that regard, but at least they don't seem quite as full of life as Mouse did, although they do go out with more of a whimper than Mouse...Mouse at least gets a warriors death.

1. The Mother in Big. Seriously...everytime I watch Big all that I can think of is "jeez, the mother really gets screwed here...thinks her boy is kidnapped for at least a couple months and then bammo, he's home again, and he's not going to be able to give any real coherent story to his whereabouts or kidnappers so she can have justice or closure. That poor woman. Plus, her son lost his virginity at 12...technically.

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Monday, January 26, 2009 TECHNO-WARRIOR!

That's right. That's my new self-bestowed title, and that's the other new feature I've been talking about. The Adventures of Bart The Techno-warrior.

My plan, which of course, falls under the category of "best laid plans," is to write these adventures as if they were a fantasy novel or, better yet, a roleplaying campaign. We'll see if I can keep that style up, but that's the plan anyway.

And thanks to my old friend Rob Sauer, I have a bad ass representation of me as Techno-Warrior:


Anyway, I have a few stories cookin' in my noodle, but I was tired of hinting around this new feature and not actually "poppin' it's cherry." Now that I have, I'll have more of a spur up my rear to get the actual content theory.

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Sunday, January 25, 2009

Vbloggin' Viznit

Enjoy as I possibly mangle a readers net handle, and I'm pretty sure mess up the title of my own video blog itself. Also, I swear Erin is okay, even though she can be heard crying in the background for almost the entire Viznit. She reaaaaally doesn't like it when it's time to sleep. I guess she feels like she's going to miss something.

Send me your questions (not just about me, remember!) for the next edition!

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Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Humpday Haiku: Wizards First Rule

The Wizard's First Rule:

works with modern politics

rather well, really.

For those that don't know, The Wizard's First Rule comes from the book Wizard's First Rule, the first book in the Sword of Truth series by Terry Goodkind. It's recently been adapted (somewhat entertainingly, but still poorly) in to a TV series called Legend of the Seeker. Having starting watching it, I felt compelled to re-read the books (at least the ones I got up to before I got tired of the overall series). I'm 3/4 through Wizard's First Rule and it occurred to me that a lot of what has gone on the past 10 years or so, politics wise, applies all too well with the Wizard's First Rule, like all the policies pushed forward through from terrorism scares and the incredibly hateful lies that get spread about President Obama, hell even some of the stuff said about McCain and Palin during the last two months of the election race apply as well. There's all this stuff floating out there when it comes to politics that this easily fits in to, it's almost scary. Will people 500 years from now sort of look on Wizard's First Rule as a very long philosphical allegory, like The Stranger or The Prince? Well, who knows, we won't be around for it.

This is the entire text of the rule, but I've bolded the most important passage, both for the book AND my point. I don't completely buy in to the use of stupid in this context...unknowing or ignorant would be more fitting in my book, but it wasn't my's Goodkind's. Heh.

"People are stupid; given proper motivation, almost anyone will believe almost anything. Because people are stupid, they will believe a lie because they want to believe it's true, or because they are afraid it might be true. People’s heads are full of knowledge, facts, and beliefs, and most of it is false, yet they think it all true. People are stupid; they can only rarely tell the difference between a lie and the truth, and yet they are confident they can, and so are all the easier to fool."

Hey guys, don't forget I want questions. I've got a couple, but I want some more. They don't have to be personal, they can be esoteric or advice or whatever.

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Monday, January 19, 2009

Bart Wants You...

To ask him questions for the Viznit!

That's right. You ask me questions, and I'll answer. Will he answer with jokes? Will he give detailed answers to in depth questions? You'll never know until you actually send me some questions.

So send those questions of all ilks to and then stay tuned for the next Viznit to see what I make of said questions!

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Weiging In: In Honor of MLK Jr...

I'm protesting against my own weight loss.

Naw, seriously, I'm just not doing it this week. I probably gained, I don't need a scale to tell me that. I spent most of last week sick and not paying attention to what I was eating anyway.

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Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Humpday Haiku: The Dark Bank of Lockers

Dark Bank of Lockers

Lots of Flickr love for it

great for quick capture

The Dark Bank of Lockers

Seriously, I snapped that as I was walking around the lockerroom next to my office. I barely took the time to frame the darn thing, yet it turned out so well. It's sort of amazing where the love will come from sometimes. Maybe its because I've seen that view so many times myself that it seems so unremarkable to me...who knows.

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Monday, January 12, 2009

Weiging In: Thanks Water Weight!

Well, I may have done some physical work this week, but I also didn't watch what I ate as well as I could have, so I'm going to chalk the bulk of this initial drop off to water weight. So, once again, thank you water weight!

Starting weight (8/12/08): 221.4 lbs

Startover Weight (1/5/09): 199.4 lbs

Last Time(1/5/09): 199.4 lbs

Today(1/12/09): 193.0 lbs

Difference from last weigh in: -6.4 lbs

Overall difference: -28.4 lbs

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Friday, January 9, 2009

Taking The Weekend Off...

It's Commencement weekend at work, and I've been really busy. Tomorrow (Saturday) is my only real day off, so I'm going to spend it trying to unwind a bit. I'll be back on Monday, and I promise that soon I'll do the other new feature I've been talking about. For all my big talk on it, I'm finding it difficult to actualize the darn thing, heh.

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Flashback Friday: Pogs

Okay, too easy, but sue me.

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Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Humpday Haiku: I'm Not a Morning Person

Early morning sun

Harbinger: the day begins

the glare hurts my eyes

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Tuesday, January 6, 2009

VBloggin' Viznit For Your Noggin: Shame on You Media

I'm none too pleased with media coverage of Jett Travolta's death...and I get a little distracted by Ninja. View and enjoy.

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Sunday, January 4, 2009

Weighing In: Let's Start Over...

Okay, not going to lie. I think I've mentioned before that I use food as comfort, and that didn't somehow miraculously change recently. So, as to be expected, I gained back a good bit of that weight. Yeah, I'm disappointed, too, but it's a New Year and it's nice and cliche to have a weight loss resolution. So, we start over. The last "good" weight I hit was about 185, so we make that the goal. No timetable pressure this time, either.

So we'll add a stat here, which is my weight today, for the starting over purpose. We'll keep the overall weight loss from August, though, since it'll make me feel good looking at that. Heh.

Starting weight (8/12/08): 221.4 lbs

Weight today/Startover Weight (1/5/09): 199.4 lbs

Last Time(11/17/08): 184.6 lbs

Difference from last weigh in: +14.8 lbs

Overall difference: -22 lbs

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I'm Already Doing Meme Stuff?

Jeez, what's wrong with me? Heh. Well, I figured, keep busy, so I let CelticBuffy do an interview meme with me.

The rules are as follows:

Link back to the person you received the interview from.

If you want to participate, leave me a comment saying, “Interview me.” (And your e-mail address, please.)

I will respond by emailing you five questions. I get to pick the questions.

You will update your blog with the answers to the questions.

You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.

When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions. However, I'm only going to do first come, first serve. Sorry.

And with that, here...we...go!

1) What led you into blogging and were you influenced by any one blogger in particular?
Well, I wasn't influenced by any one blogger at all, so that's a wash question. As for why, one day I decided I wanted to own my name on the internet. Call it what you want, I simply didn't want anyone else to own my name. Once I bought the domain name, I started thinking I could do something with it. That's what led me in to blogging.

2) Has blogging led to any real life friendships with other bloggers, and if so, who? Also, do you count your online circle of "blog friends" as friends?

Not a one, not in real life. I do talk to quite a bit of people out in the 'net world through 'net means that I met through doing this blog.
3) How has becoming a father influenced you in regards to your thoughts and actions? my post called My Hiatus...that sort of chronicles it. It basically has made me worry more and more about more and more stuff than I ever have before.
4) If life handed you the opportunity to take any career you wanted right now, what would it be and why?

Just one? Crap. I have so many dream type stuff. Film critic, novelist, theatre stuff, etc. But right now? Something that would let me do very little and be earning in the top 5%. Heh.

5) Off the top of your head, no time to think it over, where you most like to visit in this world?


So there we go. Any takers? Like I said, first come, first serve. I honestly won't have the time to do my own material and my job if I have to do more than one.

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Saturday, January 3, 2009

My Hiatus

Well, now that I'm back somewhat, I feel that I need to somewhat explain my absence.

It could be easy enough to say it was simply writer's block. And while that did come in to play, it's not completely the truth.

The fact is, I had a bit of a mental breakdown. Nothing like you'd see on television or whatever, but I definitely "lost it" a bit. Last night my new therapist and I figured out when it was that everything came crashing down: a point when Erin was in colic-y crying jag. I was very close to shaking her in frustration, and that scared the living shit out of me, causing the breakdown.

What I've come to realize is that I've had an anxiety problem all of my life. Chronic worrier. That's how I thought of it. And it's a circular problem. Anxiety leads to stress. Stress leads to anxiety. They feed off each other, escalating each other...and that incident with my daughter was the last straw. Sure, other things lately have helped it along, mom dying and that sort of thing, but that was definitely the one thing I can point at and go "that's when I no longer could control it anymore." Because I had been able to control it to some degree before this, though I would always worry about everything. But this time, I became almost ineffective, doubting everything I did and sinking in to a subsequent depression which I foolishly tried to hide. This created a lot of problems, the very least of which was my inability to post here. I won't get in to them, but there wasn't many facets of my life that weren't touched by this calamity.365 Day 6

I'm not better, not by any stretch. As I pointed out, I'm in therapy, and I'm trying some medication. But feeling positive and energized about CSFB with new ideas, plus other things going on has me feeling somewhat balanced again. We'll see how all of this goes together, shall we?

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Friday, January 2, 2009

VBloggin' Viznit For Your Noggin: The Adventure Begins

As promised, everyone, here we go. It's not much. But enjoy. When you're done, start sending in suggestions and questions for me to answer "live" to

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Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

That there new banner is only temporary until I get the one I really want finished up. And if anybody can tell me how to center the darn thing while I'm waiting, that'd be nice. But until then, you have tomorrow to wait for until the true true relaunch. Hope you can't wait!

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Charter Member of the International Sarcasm Society
"Like We Need Your Support."