Monday, June 30, 2008

So...(a needle pulling thread)

La, a note to follow so.

Te, I drink with jam and bread.

And that brings us back to do do do doooooooo.

Sorry, got distracted by insanely annoying song.

As some more astute people may have noticed, I did update that little countdown so that it says Heiress, though to be fair, an Heir knows no gender. Jessie/The Queen sort of left it up to me whether I'd divulge her name or not, which I thought was thoughtful, though kind of silly. I mean, not exactly a celebrity or anything, nor will her name topple foreign governments...though how awesome would that be?

Anyway, she shall be called...

Wait for it...

Wait for it...


Nymphadora Ignatia.

Just kidding.

Erin Noelani.

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Friday, June 27, 2008

Flashback Friday: Rad

So, back in the mid 80s we were blessed with one of the cheesiest movies of all time...but yet, it was actually sort of ahead of it's time with the prevalence of Extreme Sports today: Rad. Finally, a movie about a paperboy who becomes a BMX champion.

I once railed for The Monster Squad to get a DVD release, I now focus my attention for Rad. Thank god for YouTube, though, because you can see some cheese-tastic clips including the opening sequence:

The climactic final race on the "Hell Track:"

The cheesiest scene in film history (though if you get through it, you get to my favorite part of the movie..."You over-rotated..." "")

Yes, that's the girl that would eventually grow up to marry Uncle Jessie on Full House.

Also, it was casting genius to get Olympic gymnast Bart Connor to play a blonde egotistical pretty boy hotshot all-star bike rider...I guess William Zabka was busy.

And to finish off, a silly little tribute video, which kinda repeats some thing I already put, but I laugh at the little fake quotes at the beginning:

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Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The Quarter Life Crisis.

That would be the episode title if this story was an episode of How I Met Your Mother. Except they're in their mid to late 20s while I was 20...but I digress. Since I made the HIMYM reference I might as well frame this story as if it were an episode of said show.

Kids, have you ever wondered if people think to themselves, "how did I get to this place in life?" I'm sure a lot do, but I don't. I can trace my current life's direction, most especially my job, to the Quarter Life Crisis.

Some background is required. Fall of 97. I'm 19 soon to be 20. I've basically been named Assistant Manager of the retail store I was working for part time (it became official not long after). I stop going to college classes (though I obviously keep working on the shows at the theatre, because I've told quite a few stories about that particular show), but I make the mistake of not actually withdrawing from them. Cut to late winter/early spring 98. Said retail store fires me for really bogus reasons (that I heard were actually protested by a couple of store managers, which made me feel good, but let's look at this: I announced my intention to become a full manager and take over a vacant store after I basically ran the store I was an AM at until I inticed an old manager to come to it...and a week and half later, I'm being fired. Sheeeenanigans!! It's not the story, but let's just say that there was a new regional manager who had a vastly different agenda than the old, and was weeding out people she saw as being too latched in to the of my old managers, right before the new RM drummed him out, tried to warn me, but I was 20 year old kid. Invincible. This was a very long parenthetical). Around the same time I receive the letter from the college, telling me that I've been academically dismissed, which is a nice way of saying "you flunked out, dumbass."

So, I learned a couple valuable lessons there...there's no such thing as job security, and if you stop going to classes, WITHDRAW FROM THEM.

Well, I guess I got used to working full time or something, because my first solution was to go to a temp agency. I started getting work almost immediately (being able to type really fast helps a lot in the temp world, no matter what gender you are, but believe it or not, I actually type faster now). Then, around late May, early June, I get an opportunity at a temp-to-hire position. Customer Service Call Center for the now defunct MCI Wireless. The first three weeks were in a isolated room being trained (though the last couple of days we started taking calls while being shadowed by an experienced employee, while being monitored by the rest of the class one by about pressure). I got in to that groove for about a month once the classes were over.

I was making decent money, but wow, not my kinda job. You were expected to always be on the phone and there were managers monitoring how long you kept your line off the queue list. But you also had to fill out a lot of paperwork depending on the nature of the you'd have to learn to multi-task and do that paperwork while handling BS type calls, like angry guy doesn't like his bill, etc. That was easy, I'm not horrible at multi-tasking...but not in that enviornment. Too much stress. This was back in the days when cell phones didn't have the convenient packages with minutes per month/free nights and weekends and people used airtime WAY more so they were always pissed off at the size of their bills. And half the time I couldn't understand them because of various accents. Suffice to say, it started to take a toll on me. I really started living for lunch break and watching the clock a lot. Even though all the experienced people thought I was worth keeping, which they told me a lot. They had a lot of turnaround, after all, hence the temp-to-hire stuff.

Then, in August...The Quarter Life Crisis.

I woke up, and dragged my ass in to work. All the feelings that had been building about everything basically came to the surface at once after the first caller of the day. What am I doing? Why am I doing this? I can do better than this! Etc. I went out for a break (that was one cool thing that place had going for it...they recognized that it was unfair to let people have cigarette breaks but not give similar breaks for non-smokers), and walked around the building.

And in a way, the QLC (get it?) made me snap.

I walked back in, I grabbed the few personal effects I had at my cube, and I walked to the floor manager and said "sorry, I can't do this anymore, I'm out." And proceeded to leave while they were still spluttering.

I do kinda feel bad about just walking out, but that's why I refer to this as the QLC...I really had a form of a breakdown that day. And damn this story is long.

I didn't even drive home. A lot of the middle of that day is hazy. I remember talking to a lot of people about what happened, but the only person that I specifically remember talking to was, of all people, my then best friends then girlfriend. I think I picked her up and we went to the music store or something. Or maybe it was just on the I said, really hazy. But somewhere in there, I realized I had to go back to school...that's what was really bugging me that whole time. And various people (including said ex of the ex-best friend) reinforced that. So, still under the influence of the QLC, I drive right up to the college. Wasn't that far, it was a JC after all. My first stop was the theatre...old habits die hard.

And we now get to the exact point where I can see where I am in life today from what happened 10 years ago.

I walk in to the theatre, and my friends John and Justin are there (I know I've talked about John before, he now teaches set design at LSU, not sure if I've mentioned Justin...I would live with both of these guys, and another guy, for awhile right after I got my bachelors in 03). They've worked there as house technicians for awhile, and they're doing summer work. Cleaning, maintenance, that sort of thing. But it's near the end of summer, and both of them are leaving for regular colleges in the fall. I tell them I'm finding out about getting back in to school, and they tell me that if I'm successful, to come back when I'm done. I'm like, okay. Figure they just want to talk more.

So I go to admissions or whatever they called it, and found out I could definitely come back, but I would have to write a petition letter, and once back I was on probation. First sememster back I could only take one class, and it had to be a class I failed. Next semester, assuming I passed that first class, I'd be restricted to under 12 credits for two semesters. Completing that, I'd be off probation. So, if anybody wanted to know why it took me 5 years to get my associates degree after graduating high school...that's a big part. Academic probation is a biznitch.

I head back to the theatre, and tell John and Justin the (relative) good news. They then tell me that if I needed a job, well...they were leaving and the theatre facility manager (a really good guy named Pete) was actually on his way over to check on something for them. I stuck around, and after saying hi (I knew him from the "old days" of course), John and Justin were like "hey, Bart's looking for a job, he's coming back to school." Pete practically hired me on the spot. In fact, I do believe I ended up working for him two days later in the sweltering heat, going through a big metal container (like the one in the picture) outside looking for old storage items to throw away...that was a fun day.

Anyway, that's how I first started getting paid for technicians work. And if I didn't have that under my belt, I wouldn't have gotten the student employee job when I went to my four year school, and then wouldn't have had the full time job basically handed to me once I graduated.

All thanks to that Quarter Life Crisis.

Or maybe I'm simply psychic and I knew MCI Wireless would tank...naw.

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Monday, June 23, 2008

RIP George Carlin

Though of course, he'd really not appreciate a moment of silence for him, because as he'd put it, he's fucking worm Cheerios, but let's take the opportunity to recognize one of the greats of comedy...mainly because he wasn't a comedian, but more of a orator and philosopher...

Warning...NSFW...or polite company, probably.

Baseball and football.

The classic 7 Words

And finally, one of my favorite pieces of his, The Ten about being economical with your 6 minutes he's whittled them down to "something Moses could have put in his pocket."

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Friday, June 20, 2008

Flashback Friday: In the Meantime

Let's see if I can keep this feature running longer than a few weeks, eh?

I give you all Spacehog's In The Meantime, my vote for one of the most underrated songs of the 90s (and not simply because my band used to cover it and it was fun to play). I never did get around to getting this album, but I've always heard good things.

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Sunday, June 15, 2008

Father's Day

Today being Father's Day, I thought it might be appropiate to speak a little bit about my impending fatherhood status.

I'm not going to lie. There's a part of me that is down right terrified. Not a very large part, but it's there nonetheless. I'm not all that terrified because I have a pretty good template for fatherhood from my own father. He wasn't perfect, but I think he did an okay job raising me. I didn't turn out to be a complete sociopath (just a partial one), and I think I can be the father he was. Commanding of respect, but easy to love. Lenient, but not too lenient, and completely intolerant of bullshit (when it's detected...I won't lie again and say I never lied to him and got away with it, I totally did).

But a part of me is terrified because even though I have this template to go off of...I don't have my father around anymore. I can't get his counsel or ask him advice. I could ask my mother advice on basics, but not about fatherhood. It's a whole different ball of wax. Though, the fact that the Heir is a girl would have thrown him as much as me, I'm sure. I'm the youngest of three boys for him (two from a previous marriage), so there's a bunch of stuff he'd probably would have said "beats the hell out of me, go ask your mother." Not that she had any girls, either. But Dad's logic would have gone something like "female child advice = mother."

And due to general circumstances, I don't even have a father in law to turn to. Though I do have a mother in law to turn to when my mother makes no sense (which is more and more frequent, unfortunately).

So, I'm a bit of a kite in the wind when it comes to fatherhood. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure I'll get advice from the unlikeliest of places, but there's something a bit more reassuring to get it from your own father.

Happy Father's Day, Dad. Sorry you're gonna miss it...

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Saturday, June 14, 2008

Photo Hunt: Emotion(s)

Here we go with this weeks Photo Hunt for me. I bevy of emotion. On the left is my coworker Mike, who really really looooves to get his photo taken, on the right, a student employee Jessie who can't help but smile when a camera is pointed in her direction. Kind of an interesting study in contrasting emotions when faced with the same situation, eh?

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Friday, June 13, 2008

On Back Pain

So, those that check out the Twitter feed to the left (used to be right) might know that I've been having an issue with back pain when I wake up in the morning. I had a completely unrelated doctor's appointment this morning, and since it's been two months of this, I brought it up, mentioning that I hadn't mentioned it at our last meeting a month ago because I was trying different things to see if it wasn't something stupid I was doing.

Well, he gave me a once over and we went back to talking about the main reason why I was there. After a few minutes I inquired about my back, and what if anything, did he feel. I think I half insulted him when I threw out a "even though it's not your specialty" but that was kind of a hint to him that I thought maybe I should be referred to a chiro. He reminded me in his gentle way that he studied anatomy at one of the best medical schools in Italy, so I apologized for possibly insulting him. He dismissed it, basically saying I didn't insult him but rather that it would be fairly easy for him to determine if something was really amiss. He then told me that my problems were basically because "you're overweight, stressed out a lot, and don't know how to properly exercise."

Well, thanks Doc. Your mama dresses you funny.

I mean, I already knew I was overweight. I've been overweight in some capacity since I was 21. I had actually gotten my heaviest about 3 months ago...but I had actually lost almost 10 pounds when the pain started. And I've also been stressed out for most of my adult life...

So why the hell did my back decide two months ago that enough was enough and that I'd wake up every morning tight as hell and barely able to move?

So he put me on to trying out yoga. Which I'll do, to humor him, however, a part of me is annoyed that he made the call himself...I mean, if this really is a symptom of a larger problem, while the yoga won't hurt me (I could stand to get core strengthened anyway), it could be an unnecessary delay...kind of like when I went to get diagnosed with sleep apnea. He was almost too thorough, sending me through a rash of different tests before I was recommended for a sleep study. I'm kinda afraid it'll be the same thing all over again.

But who knows, maybe after a few yoga sessions and it'll go away. We'll see. It'd be a real shame to lose my faith in the one doctor I've found faith in since my pediatrician.

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Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Humpday Haiku: Didn't I have a dog?

How's Elmo doing?
Still pretty much the same dog
cute but annoying

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Sunday, June 8, 2008

Had to be done...

Unless you're blind, you'll notice I overhauled the place. Flipped the layout, did some house cleaning, and switched over to Bloggers new blog link function. Enjoy the overhauled goodness.

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Yet Another Edition of "Things I Shouldn't Have Done At Work."

Warning...this post contains a couple pictures that aren't for the squemish. I'll leave them to the very end so you can avoid them if you must.

So, we were a tad understaffed when striking the arena on Friday night from our commencement set up, which put me in the always unenviable position of doing a job by myself that really should be done by two people.

I was up in our scissors lift, cutting down a run of power and audio cables following the ceiling support beams. Normally, another person would be behind me, coiling the cables in to the left so we can ultimately drop them behind the back truss/backdrop where the run ultimately terminates. This also takes the slack off the cable so it doesn't simply drop flat when the tie-line is cut.

But I didn't have that person.

To my credit, I got 3/4 of the way through before it bit me in the ass.

By it, I mean my knife.

By bit I mean cut.

By the ass I mean my thumb.

As I held the slack myself with my left hand, I went to cut the tie-line down. The lift swayed ever so slightly, and on instinct my left hand holding the cable moved with it...right under the path of the knife.

To my double credit, I dropped neither the cable nor did I drop the knife 60 feet to the deck. Not that there was anybody there, but there could have been. And as I had learned the hard way, my knife is plenty sharp. I proceeded to turn the lift in to a biohazard zone as I called down for someone to immediately run for the first aid kid. I looked frantically around the lift looking for the roll of paper towels that usually resides there. Of course, with my luck this night, it wasn't there. There was a towel of dubious origin, and in my "stop the flow quick" mentality, I grabbed it. Well, after about three seconds and the realization that the towel shouldn't be quite that stiff, I dropped it, and took off my shirt. Luckily, I had a t-shirt underneath, or this story would have taken a turn for the extreme worse.

After a few minutes, some painful rubs of an alcohol wipe, and a lot of gauze and tape, I was back in action. I did have to redress the wound, basically mummifying my thumb for the rest of the night, but ultimately got through it. Though Jessie thinks I may have needed stitches. I dunno, I didn't need stitches when I caught my thumb (same damn one, too) between a socket wrench and truss, and basically "popped it" open. I still have the nifty L shaped scar to prove it. And that bled as bad, or maybe even worse. I think it looks worse than it is. Now's the time for you to be the judge...another warning, here comes the pictures I warned you about:

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Saturday, June 7, 2008

Photo Hunt: Bad Hair

My entry once again plays it fast and loose with the concept of "bad hair." See, as I see it, that cat toy is hairy. And my cat (then a kitten) was definitely taking a swipe at it. As if to say "you are some bad hair. Take that."

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Friday, June 6, 2008

Wish Me Luck

Not only because I'm gonna be a father in approximately 136 days and I'll need all the luck I'm gonna need, but because I entered this contest with about 8 photos. I'm not about to pay for a camera like this right now, but if I could win one? Yeah.

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I admit it, I'm a bit immature...

But there's nothing quite as fun as a base-brawl.

But it's even better when it's not the girly girly shove matches. When players come out swinging is business, but that's personal.

Quick recap for the un-initiated: When Coco Crisp went in to second in a previous game, Rays SS Bartlett "dropped his knee" which is sort of an unwritten rule in a "gentleman's game." Crisp's retaliation for this was to, on a steal attempt and up by four runs, slide incredibly late and right at Ray's 2B Iwamura. If you don't follow baseball or don't understand what that would do...that basically puts all your momentum and directs at the other players ankle. He could have ended Iwamura's career.

So, pretty much everybody knew that Crisp was going to get thrown at yesterday. And he did. But instead of taking first like a man, he charged the mound. Rays pitchers Scott Shields knew he was coming and threw a devastating haymaker...well, it would have been had it landed:

But the best part is...Crisp had pissed off THE ENTIRE ROSTER of the Rays. Usually when this thing happens, you get a lot of people pulling off this case, not so much. Commence pile on:

Here's a link to the video of the whole situation.

But what makes this even worse is that in the post-game interview, Crisp sounded like a complete d-bag.

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Charter Member of the International Sarcasm Society
"Like We Need Your Support."