Wednesday, March 25, 2009

So Lets See...

What to talk about? Well, I got an iPhone, for I'm a slave to technology. For the same reason I talked my lovely wife in to a new TV (thanks honey!).

Erin remains irrepressibly cute, which is a good thing for her as her stinky diapers could be used as biological weapons, though I'm sure that's prohibited by the Geneva Convention.
Erin Playing 7

Baseball season is right around the corner, so I'm excited about that. The Matt Wieters watch has officially begun!

Now excuse me as I watch Scrubs.

Well How About That!

I can blog from my phone! Beware mortals! Hehe.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Vbloggin' Viznit - Special Cutesy Edition!

Let's just say the muse hit me this morning as Erin was playing. Enjoy as she herself enjoys one of her favorite activities:

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Monday, March 2, 2009

Welp, That Was a Nice Break

But now back to it.

Jessie suggested that I give an update on Erin, and like most things she suggests, that's a great idea. So that's a what I'ma gonna do.


The colic is over, yay. She's starting to teethe, though, but hey, that's to be expected. And we lucked out in the regard that she generally sleeps through the night. She doesn't exactly like to go places though, she's kind of a homebody like her folks.


But, she's quite talkative, though she obviously isn't actually saying anything. She's started to make raspberry like sounds, so solid P sounds should follow.

And she thinks its hilarious when I take her hands or feet and hit myself with them, and recoil. I'm not sure what that means...


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