Monday, March 1, 2010

I'm on a boat.

Here we are, a month later. We're all a little older, a little wiser, and pretty much all of us on the east coast of the USA are tired of the effin' snow, already (welcome to my world every snowfall...).

Jess and I, with Erin in tow of course, got back from a week long cruise yesterday. To the Bahamas. It was okay. I suppose we're not really "cruise people." Overall environment kinda deal, simply not our bag. We loved it down in Nassau, at the "world famous" Atlantis resort, where we got day passes. But the cruise line (which I shall refer to as the "one with the towel animals") does some things in a very interesting way. And of course by interesting I mean "excuse me, but would you kindly stop screwing me royally, thankyouverymuch."

Erin became semi-famous, though, both with the crew and the other passengers. I guess it helps when you have a distinctive hairstyle, are entirely too cute for your own good, and like to engage everybody as you, or they, walk by. I knew we had a real phenomenon on our hands when we were at Atlantis, though, and people said "hey, I know that baby." If I thought like the one with the towel animals, I'd probably charge a fee for interacting with her (assessed at the end of voyage).

So, it's back to the grind. Damn, now I have that Skid Row song "Slave to the Grind" stuck in my head.

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