Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Of All The Things I Miss, I Miss My Mind The Most

I miss gaming. It occurred to me reading Wil Wheaton the past couple of weeks as he geared up to deliver the keynote at PAX East. I'm talking tabletop gaming, with other uber geeks. RPG's, a la D&D (but not limited to, of course) even money sink card games a la Magic and even Pokemon (it's Magic for KIDS! FOR KIDS! Sorry, old joke that probably one or two people would get...if that still).

But then I remember that I'm probably stretched thin as it is. Family of course, the effort it's taking getting The Excelsior Base Ball Club off the ground (and staying up)...well, that's pretty much taking most of my time, and when its not, I want to be writing, or working on photography, heck, I wish I could be playing music with people. Oh yeah, having that full time job cuts in to the usable hours of a day thing as well, of course.

But at least tabletop gaming is something I *theoretically* could be doing at home. Not very realistic, though, but theoretically possible.

Oh well, hadn't written much lately. Thought I'd use this space to lament about my really geeky regret. We return you to your normally scheduled nothingness...

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1 comment:

  1. OMG I totally forgot about Magic! I used to play that in college! lol


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